Sunday, August 26, 2012


So if there's one thing that annoys me to no end, it's when people make that sucking noise when they are trying to get something out of their teeth. But if there are TWO things that annoy me, it is unpainted, unfinished Ikea furniture. Don't get me wrong, I love Ikea, but I don't love this shelf tower. It has been a thorn in my side for quite some time. 

Also, when Geoff and I moved into this apartment in January, it became a place to throw random crap. So on Saturday I decided to wall paper the back part to see if it could help me hate it less. 

Did I mention we don't have a linen closet?

It's a bit better. I kind of wish I had picked a different color for the wall paper. Maybe a blueish green or  something...The yellow blends into the wood and I don't think I want to paint it. Don't get me started on the freaking pole in the middle of the kitchen. 

We'll call this a work in progress...

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